
How To Clean A DSLR Sensor With Easy Steps 2022

How To Clean A DSLR Sensor With Easy Steps 2022

Every DSLR camera lover knows how important is to clean the DSLR sensor. You can’t able to take perfect images with dusty DSLR sensors. Using an Uncleaned Sensor is kinda like ruining your photos. Some users ignore cleaning the sensor and then end up having low-quality photos.

We know that Everything needs maintenance so as DSLR sensors. Cleaning of the Sensor becomes more important in the case of astronomical photography because you need to click the bright images in it that are not possible with an uncleaned DSLR Sensor.

Some people don’t know how they perfectly clean their DSLR Sensor. If you are one of them then don’t worry, we are here to help you. In this article, You will know how to clean a DSLR Sensor. The steps are very easy and anyone can do that. So let’s get started.

DSLR Sensor Location

DSLR sensor is located backside of the reflex mirror that receives light from the lens and reflects it back to the viewfinder (Prism). In the live view, the mirror of the camera moves out of the way.

Most sensors have automatic powerful dust-proofing feature at certain level. But we cannot rely on this feature because it only cleans major dust from the sensor. Small dust particle makes their way to get in.

Zoom lenses usually displace air by moving the component more frequently than any other lenses so that’s why there are more dust particles in them. Nowadays, almost every DSLR camera comes with dust reducing function that help in vibrating dslr with ultaronic speed to clean a lot of dust particles from the lens.

DSLR camera shows a popup “sensor cleaning” message on screen when you on and off the camera. This in-built function helps you to rid of almost 80-90 percent of dust particles. This percentage is more than enough to get the back lens in perfect condition. You should try out other methods to clean DSLR Sensors if needed.

Some DSLR owners use cans of compressed air to clean the sensor. But it is not recommended method by us. You should ignore this cleaning method as it is not safe for the camera. Cans of compassed air left moisture behind that resulted in damage to the camera’s sensor.

Required Tools For Cleaning Of DSLR Sensor

You need the following Stuff and tools to clean a DSLR sensor. You will some of the things in your home without any problem.

  • Clean Dry Cloth
  • Airbrush
  • Cleaning Kit
  • Torch
  • Clean Place

How to Clean a DSLR Sensor?

How To Clean A DSLR Sensor
Image by pressfoto on Freepik

Before starting the cleaning process, you should check out the condition of the sensor. Try out a test by stopping aperture F/22 and Clicking a photo of the sky in the daytime or plain white wall. Now increase the contrast of image in post-processing.

After doing everything, You will get a low-quality image. This image will help you to discover every issue in your DSLR sensor. White background helps you see dust particles clearly and for more clarity decreases the aperture of the lens.

But make sure you Don’t forget that segments at the bottom will appear at the top of the camera. You can even use a magnifying glass to identify dust particles more clearly. Don’t be too quick! After identifying the spot of dust particles, you should not clean the sensor immediately at the moment.

The reason is that sometimes dust is not the issue behind sensor problems. For example, If you can’t see any dust in the photo clicked at f/2.8 or f/8 aperture. Then Dust is not the cause behind the issue.

Although, You can click a picture at f/22 aperture and then start cleaning. After that compare them to find any difference in before and after cleaning images.

Cleaning Kits to Clean DSLR Sensor

How To Clean A DSLR Sensor
Image by pressfoto on Freepik

Cleaning kits are easy to available on both offline and online photographic retailers. The main goal of those cleaning kits are to remove major dust particles. But Cleaning kits brands are not offering swabs, brushes, and a bottle of cleaning solution inside cleaning kits. The dry electrostatic brush is one of the great alternative equipment to remove Dust particles.

The sensor of a DSLR is a very sensitive part so make sure you use the right material carefully. Use of the wrong material results in scratches over your camera’s sensor. That means you did nothing but harm to your sensor. A paintbrush is not recommended to use to clear DSLR Sensor because it’s not for delicate Devices.

How to Clean a DSLR Lens with a Blast of Air?

If you want your work done without even touching the sensor then you should try out a blast of air method. But make sure you use the method when only a small amount of dust particles in it. If you have the budget then you should consider buying a special blower for the purpose.

To try this method hold your camera with the lens mounted towards the ground. Then Blow air inside the camera. Force of gravity will helps in removing dust from the ground. After that blower will catch the dust that it can blow inside your DSLR camera. You can save it in a plastic bag.

Before trying out the method make sure your camera exterior is cleaned. Because you will see more dust coming from outside of the sensor that results in opening doors for more dust to the sensor than you trying to clean it. You have to keep open your camera’s mirror throughout the cleaning process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Clean a DSLR Sensor

How To Clean A DSLR Sensor
Image by pressfoto on Freepik

The following steps will help you in cleaning your DSLR sensor:

Step 1

  • Reveal The sensor
  • Now you find the cleaning function in your camera. If you have one then tap on it the mirror will flip.
  • You can now use an air blower to get rid of small dust particles.

Step 2

  • Now gently clean the sensor using an electrostatic brush. Make sure you do not do the task forcefully.
  • You should be careful while cleaning and make sure that it does not touch the lens mount.

Step 3

  • Now take the cleaning swab and put some cleaning solution on it. You should not directly apply the cleaning solution to the sensor, add it to the cleaning swab first.
  • You have to be quick in cleaning the sensor because the fluid dries up rapidly.

Step 4

  • Now gently clean the sensor with a cleaning swab.
  • For better cleaning results, You one end of the swab in one direction.
  • Flip the camera to clean another side of the camera.

Step 5

  • Now you turn off your DSLR camera so the mirror gets back into position.
  • Now turn on the camera and click one picture. You will definitely see an improvement in the quality of the photo.


We recommend you handle your camera sensor carefully as they are very sensitive and delicate. Even a small scratch on the sensor will create a problem for you. If you are worried about any mistakes then consult a professional cleaner who has some knowledge of cameras and their accessories.

This guide is for everyone Those are struggling to clean their camera sensor. We put every useful information into this article. You can even watch the below video to clean the sensor safely.

That’s all from our side. We hope now you know How To Clean A DSLR Sensor. If you still have any doubt then put your comment, and we will reply ASAP. Don’t forget to bookmark and share our website. Thanks!

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